Kottayam, Kerala

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About Santhwanam

Santhwanam a non Profit Organization works for the wellbeing of abandoned children and empowerment of distressed women. To make sure that inmates are properly cared and aided we organize personality development programs and workshops on various themes to make them resilient and mentally strong in the life ahead.

Professional counsellors provide a platform for the inmates to open up and express there issues there by instilling confidence and expectations in them.

With an inborn spirit of empathy for those who suffer pain and neglect, Annie has a history of entering in to the lives of the poor, exploited and tortured. As a young girl she had often shared her lunch with her poor classmates. Later in her life she had sheltered helpless and homeless women and children in her home. With the desire to help a mentally disturbed adolescent boy with traumatic experiences she attended a counseling course.

She accepted the offer of a post as secretary to “Thanal”an organization of YWCA, Kottayam for distressed women and children. 8 years of experience in Thanal gave her deep insight in to the enormous problem of women and children especially the victims of alcoholism. She has given shelter to hundreds of women and children, empowered and rehabilitated many and brought many to the main stream of life.

When Thanal could no more cope up with the increasing number of clients she was forced to say NO to many who came for shelter. 2 such cases committed suicide in their desperate situation and one young mother was brutally killed by her alcoholic husband. This painful experience urged Annie to give up her security in Thanal by resigning and give birth to Santhwanam a beacon of hope for distressed women and children. When Annie was stepping down from Thanal a 3 year old Tamil girl was with her who was abandoned in train and was brought by the police. During the short span of 8 years more than 1700 have found shelter and a home in Santhwanam. Many families have been reunited and live a happy family life. Where attempts for reunion of families failed mothers with their children are helped to settle down in their own homes with the help of generous benefactors.


Plan I

Ensure the needs for the growth and maximum development of orphaned children and recognize their human rights. We are guilty of many crimes, our greatest crime is abandoning children the fountain of life. Today is the time their bones are being built, blood is being formed and sensors are being developed. We cannot tell them tomorrow, their time is TODAY . (Nobel Prize winner, Gabriella Mistral)

  • Orphans and delinquent children wandering around and begging in the street and railway stations, who are brought by police and good willed people, are given shelter and a homely atmosphere of love, freedom, sharing and security.
  • Their needs for growth and development are met. Ensure higher education and value education.
  • Help them to be healed of their mental wounds caused by the traumatic experiences of their past through guided play, recreation, group activities and prayer.
Help them develop values and good habits such as love , self less service sharing, prayer, work and patience.
“Teach a child how he should live and he will remember it all his life” (Prov. 22:6)


Plan II

Give shelter and temporary home for exploited and marginalized women who come to santhwanam and brought by police and neighboring institutions. Rehabilitate them and bring them up to the main stream of life.
  • Give a separate wing (home) for women with their infants and toddlers.
  • Provide an atmosphere of love freedom sharing and security.
  • Help to solve their problems through counselling, retreat, De-addiction programme, police intervention and legal aid.
  • Through counselling and awareness programmes empower them and help them reach the main stream of life.
Santhwanam having listened to the history of the inhuman torture women endured from their alcoholic husbands and their endless cries, is aware of the havoc done by alcoholism to families and society and is out to fight against alcoholism and drugs through various awareness programmes. As we response to God’s call “to lift up our less fortunate fellow human beings from the pit of desolation and give them a life, life in fullness.” We invite you to join us and be partners in this mission.



A liquor free, violence free society which recognizes the dignity and rights of the human person and intervene when and where these are denied – violated. A society which acknowledges a supreme power Being which directs history. A society which provides all the needs for the growth and maximum development of children- the future citizens of the world. A society which has concern for the abandoned, exploited and tortured, the world’s unwanted especially women and children


To give shelter and a homely atmosphere of love freedom sharing and security to abandoned, exploited and marginalized women with children. To deal with their problems rehabilitate them, empower them, give them a life and help them reach the main stream of life.

What We Do

Ensure the needs for growth and maximum development and the basic human rights of children in santhwanam who were so far denied of these needs + Rights Help them develop values and good habits. We organize life skill education and personality development programms for the children Recreation + play are important items in santhwanam’s schedule. These children having undergo much deprivations and terrble mental and emotional frame play out these and become free from the influence of these traumatic experiences.

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